
Company: Switch
Sculpt: Milwha
Resin: Normal
Size: SD,[temporary hybrid, DollClans U-Line body]
FaceUp Artist: Das Hinterland Aesthetics
Wig: Dollheart, various
Eyes: 16mm Safrin Doll
Made: 2013

Name: MinSoo “Milo” Lee

YO: 24
Busan, Korea
Math, Asian history/weaponry, dance, rapping, singing, writing music, former member of K-pop group “Asphalt”
Chinese, Korean
Special Relationships:
Economic Background:
Middle Class
Whiskey, sake, makoli, beer, his mothers cooking, the smell of the ocean, dancing, singing, looking at himself in the mirror, pizza, fast food, sports cars, being famous, his hair, his body
Speaking English
Direct, smug, hard headed, arrogant, cocky, selfish, cynical, hard working, open minded, dutiful, disciplined, trustworthy, high integrity, loyal, dedicated, persistent, talented, kinky, confident

MinSoo Lee was the only son born to a Chinese mother and a Korean father. He spent his life growing up in Busan until he turned 10 and was then recruited by LKM Entertainment into their trainee program. For the next 7 years he spent his days on the LKM campus and sharing a dorm with countless other young hopefuls who had been recruited for group or solo careers. Growing up on the campus he learned that if he didn’t fight hard for what he wanted then he would see his time at LKM cut short.

Although his father ran a fairly successful small time import export business; MinSoo always felt the pressure and the desire to support his family. In the early years he watched his mother work hard in the fish market during the day. She shared a small stall with her sister and aunt, selling and grilling freshly caught eel and squid. At night she would continue to serve her family as a dutiful housewife.

MinSoo’s mother was a proud and independent woman and refused to follow the traditional norm of becoming a housewife after getting married. She instead continued to work, dragging little MinSoo with her. He would often put on a breakdancing show near the market to draw attention and hand out flyers. It was through his charisma, talent and unique looks that he was discovered by LKM. Six years later he met Timi.

At first MinSoo had no respect for Timi and saw him as a threat. MinSoo had spent almost 5 years of hard work, rigorous diets and training and still hadn’t debuted in a group. Then suddenly an American showed up and caused the managers to refocus their efforts on debuting the 5 member boy group “Asphalt”. At first MinSoo resented the fact that he who was a native Korean, fluent in Korean and Chinese and naturally fair haired was no longer being considered to be the face of the group. Some pretty boy from America was being captured to obsessively. And on top of it, management imposed new pressures for him to learn English while the new recruit wasn’t required to learn anything, just some silly basics. MinSoo had even, but to no avail; went as far as to try and sabotage Timi in every way possible. It was to the point where it became a joke between the boys where they would each try and out do the other in now lighthearted sabotage. And as the years passed, the boys grew quite attached to one another.

Almost 6 months after their debut in Japan, a top ranking single and an enormous swell of fans and media attention things went horribly wrong for Asphalt. MinSoo who had grown immensely fond and attached to Timi in many ways; still carried a thinly veiled jealousy of him being “the face” of Asphalt. It was in part due to his outburst that the accident occurred, causing their scandal and subsequent hiatus.

It was a drunken argument after a media event that had escalated to the point of distracting their driver which caused the tragic accident. Timi was immediately sent back to the US. The other boys returned to their homes as well and MinSoo faced a long trial, public humiliation and grave numbers of disappointed fans and management. He was eventually acquitted as he was not driving but testimony from the driver and two of the other boys who were severely injured named him as the reason the driver lost control of the van in the first place. It was a horrible downward spiral for MinSoo who had a reputation of being troublesome with management digging him out of tough spots when his drinking had gotten out of control.

After the trial MinSoo’s contract was immediately cancelled and then fined with paying 1.2 million won in restitution and cancelled contract fee’s. Not wanting his parents to suffer his same shame and drive his father into bankruptcy, Min reached out to Timi in desperation. Min and Timi had kept in touch after he left for America and he knew that Timi had befriended a group of people that had significant amounts of money. Timi often bragged that he had all of them doing his bidding. In Korea Timi commanded great masses of attention and fawned over constantly and Min would have never guessed that Timi’s boasts were a tad inflated.

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