
Company: Switch
Resin: Normal
Size: SD, HummingDolly 65cm
Faceup Artist: AngelToast 
Wig: Various
Eyes: Various
Made: 2013
Name: Theo a.k.a King
Origin: Korea
YO: Unknown

Gender: Male
Status: Single
Sign: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Hometown: Gyeongju, Korea
Hobbies: Science, anatomy, astronomy, meditation, spirituality, mysticism, Tae Kwon Do, Tai Chi, Asian history/weaponry, folklore, oral story telling, crime/detective novels, military history, calligraphy, painting, gardening
Religion: Spiritual
Languages: English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, German
Allergies: NA
Smoker: No
Drinks: Yes
Siblings: No
Economic Background: Spartan/Modest
Likes: Whiskey, sake, makoli, cognac, tea, nature, being near water, flowers, dawn & sunset, birds (cranes)
Dislikes: Vodka, American fast food, confusion, violence, blood, the smell of pine trees, spicy food, bright colours, waste

No one knew his real name but he was eventually known to most as “King” and to strangers and the untrustworthy he was known as “Theo."

King was found wandering the streets at the age of 4 by an elderly man known as Mr. Lin. Little was known of Mr. Lin other than his family had lived in the ancient compound for generations. What people did know of him were mostly rumours based on limited interaction. Legends of Mr. Lin existed in martial arts circles and those with first hand knowledge had long since passed. He was thought to be a Buddhist because of his robes, and his stewardship of several temples and sacred historical sites. 

During a rare walk outside of the property walls, Mr. Lin met the then nameless and silent King. Without question Mr. Lin opened his doors to the young child to offer shelter and food. For more than 20 years he secretly and diligently searched for his young wards family without success. And King never spoke of family or parents.

King didn’t speak the first few years with Mr. Lin, but demonstrated exceptional intelligence and intuition. In many ways he seemed to predict the wants and needs of his guardian. King followed and cared for his new master and adoptive father without question as a perfect student, ward and son.

They both lived a modest, spartan and secluded life until the death of Mr. Lin. When seen they were always wearing what seemed to be the same old fashioned earth brown robes and loose garments. It was with great surprise that upon the passing of Mr. Lin, that all rights to his property and wealth were passed on to King. In the humble neighborhood, no one had suspected that Mr. Lin had an amassed fortune in property, artifacts, ancient manuscripts, jewelry, weaponry and cash.

For years after the death of Mr. Lin, King continued to live in melancholic solitude on the Lin compound. Very few ever saw him outside of the high walls that surrounded the estate. When they did he was always in deep reflection watching the leaves dance or a swirl of soil. However the rumours were that the young King had grown into an extremely handsome man with mink coloured hair to his waist, eyes like water agate and a voice of honeyed milk. But few could validate these rumours and fantasies. They were the dreams of mostly women that all vied to one up each other with their stories of stolen glimpses of the man only seen at dawn or sunset that they affectionately called “King.”

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