Thursday, June 20, 2013

Being Honest

We heard that they would be coming home today. It had been months since we had seen them and a lot had changed; for one Mika and I had grown a lot closer. It’s weird when I think back on it. I hated him when I first met him. He was taller than me, had a better body than me, less uptight than me and well; more experienced than me. But I do worry, because now, I can’t imagine him not being in my life. It’s not easy to admit this and most of all, I’m worried about Doc, who is my best friend. But I can't wait for them to get here if I'm being honest. ~ Julien

The Boys: Julien (Blueblood Doll - Valentine) & Mika (Dollclans - Jaquer)
Accessories: Tata's Paradise

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