Monday, July 22, 2013

The Bigger Issue

Well I think the fact Sam learned that I was leaving freaked him out. He finally came out of hiding and met everyone. I told him that I wouldn't be gone for long, maybe a month or so but he wasn't buying it. I guess he had been abandoned before. So I convinced Timi and Theo to let me take him along to a big party this weekend. Honestly, I think Timi's feelings were a little hurt, we hadn't spent much time together since we came back and things still weren't quite back to normal with us. But Sam was a bigger issue at the moment. He was kind of a little troublemaker and a smart ass, a street kid, so I think I was only one that could talk sense into him. I guess with him being on his own for so long he had built up some powerful defenses but deep down he was much more scared than he let on to be. I think that all the attention he got over the weekend probably helped to soften his heart a bit. I just wish he'd open up to the other guys soon. He'd have to. ~ Doc

The Boys: Doc (Granado - Chaka) & (Granado - Terra)
Clothing: Sadol, TreeDesign, Alice's Collections

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