Sunday, July 14, 2013

Timi's Story: Guilty

I was feeling horribly ashamed. Since coming home, everyone was walking on eggshells. And Doc most of all seemed to be taking it the worst. I think he blamed himself in someway. It was his idea that we go together, and then well; in the end things hadn't turned out as planned. It didn't matter how much I told him that it wasn't his fault. And he even fell into some slightly destructive behaviour. I'd never seen this side of him. We had been through a lot together. Mika, Julien, myself, even Theo tried to get through to him. Hmpf, Theo and his pet rabbit; Doc hated that thing but Theo always insisted that bunny therapy was good for the soul. All I knew at this point was that I was going to make things right again with us and with everyone; which meant I would be on my own this time. ~ Timi

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